Intuition 101: A Brief Introduction
Intuition is an energetic language that Source Consciousness uses to communicate important messages to us through the senses of the physical body. Source is the highest density consciousness, consisting of pure love and pure light; it is whole and infinite in its entirety. Intuition engages somatically before it’s translated into words by third-density consciousness.
The Universe is comprised of densities, dimensions, frequencies, and vibrations.
Dimensions exist as structures through which a being can perceive existence within their density consciousness.
For example: Humans exist within the third dimension of Time & Space on Earth. Earth, a three-dimensional planet, hosts third-density beings (humans), second-density beings (plants & animals), and first-density beings (elements & minerals). Souls who graduate from a third-density consciousness naturally ascend to the fourth-density consciousness. This “graduation” occurs as a result of a spiritual awakening within a human lifetime inside the third-dimensional realm.
“Density” refers to matter while “dimension” refers to the range of experience possible for a being of a specific material density. Each density provides a unique lens for observing/perceiving a dimension.
“Dimensions” and “Densities” are often used interchangeably, but they do not always mean or refer to the same thing.
Earth is currently transitioning from third-density consciousness into fourth-density consciousness. Within the third dimension—as with other dimensions—a being exists and operates at varying levels of vibration in relation to varying levels of frequency. Depending on the present state of consciousness, a being vibrates along a spectrum within a frequency.
For example: You can experience moments or seasons of sadness, depression, anger, joy, ecstasy, etc. which describes how you relate to your environment. Your “environment” is the equivalent to your “frequency” in this example.
A “frequency” maintains the range of experience that a being can have while existing within the structure of a dimension. So, whether you experience high vibes or low vibes, you are perceiving them through the lens of a specific frequency available to you as conditions of the dimension you currently inhabit.
When we refer to the range of experience available within the structure of a dimension, we are also calling attention to its permeability or impermeability—whether you are spiritually conscious enough to allow the influence of pure love and pure light to permeate your perception (range of experience) of reality.
Think of a dimension’s “structure” like a framework for operating in a way that’s cohesive to the Universal Laws of that dimension. With enough input from higher dimensional beings (that operate within different structures or frameworks), the present dimension of a plane, or planet, can raise its density consciousness based on the influence (mentorship) from beings who have already “graduated”.
A lower density being cannot pull higher density beings backwards into a lower density. After a being graduates from a density, it can only ascend, never descend. The rate at which a being ascends is determined by their level of discernment—how well they’re able to discern the difference between densities and their ability to integrate the lessons of each density along their evolutionary path towards conscious awareness.
SPOILER: The purpose of life on Earth is to embody your Higher Self, which serves as a liaison for Source Consciousness, embedding pure love and pure light into the framework of the third dimension so that third density beings may graduate to fourth density consciousness.
In order to embody your Higher Self more fully, thus fulfilling your purpose in this lifetime, you must learn to understand what is being communicated to you, and how these messages manifest as synchronicities, coincidences, and repeating patterns in your reality.
Intuition 101
Intuition is the language of the body; it’s an energetic language that stems from Source Consciousness far beyond the twelfth density consciousness. Because we are three dimensional beings existing within the third & fourth density consciousness, there is an overlap in communication styles between the third & fourth dimensions.
The fourth dimension houses beings of greater density consciousness (the greater the spiritual consciousness, the larger the spiritual density—the physicality of a being reduces as more density in spiritual consciousness becomes light, referred to as the light body). This means that the use of words within the fourth dimension and beyond are optional, and not required because the use of telepathy and vibration are adequate forms of communication between entities.
As beings existing within the third dimensional realm, we place a massive importance on spoken language. The ability to speak fluently and accurately is celebrated as one of our earliest developmental achievements.
We are more than just our brains; we are more than our minds. The heart is the organ that bridges the lower chakras to the higher energy centers of the physical and etheric bodies. Its electromagnetic field is infinitely greater than that of the brain, and so it’s no wonder that the heart is also the body’s center for intuition, the energy center of our creativity.
Our bodies are conduits for creativity—we are creator beings.
Our creativity stems from Source Consciousness, a.k.a. Source Creator. We are creator beings as a product of two important concepts: we are created + we have free will. In other words, we “originate” from somewhere (from Source Creator) and we have the power of discernment which activates our “power of choice” (free will).
A Creation Story
The physical body is a conduit for creativity, which means that it operates as a vehicle or instrument to carry out specific functions for the purpose of creating. The body is a vessel for the soul. If the soul is an aspect of Source Creator (the ultimate source of pure love and pure light), then we are divine expressions of love and light manifested on the earth plane.
The word “manifestation”, in its most simple explanation, means that something can now be perceived by a being whose conscious awareness matches the vibration of the “thing” that is already manifested on a separate plane but remains “invisible”.
A manifestation is the festering, or vibrational resonance, of energy into matter.
Ever bump into something because you didn’t actually “see” it? Just because you didn’t “see” it then, but “see” it now, doesn’t mean it never existed before you became aware of it.
So, when we imagine something, that “thing” exists outside our physical reality. In order to manifest that “thing”, a creator being needs to engage the body + the imagination (the vessel + the soul/love/light body or the seen + the unseen) to express through the hands what the soul desires.
⬩Do you “talk with your hands”? Whether you’re verbally communicating and use your hands to help generate the articulation of spoken language, signing language with your hands when audible language is less effective for you or another, or you train your hands over braille in order to read words on a page without having to look at them—you are indeed a master manifestor.
♦︎ W A T E R B R E A K ♦︎
Water doesn’t just hydrate the physical body, it also replenishes the etheric body which w i d e n s the intuitive channel.
Language Matters
You may be hyper aware of the importance of language just by reading this post. The truth is, I want to establish a precise vocabulary between us so that as we journey further into our Intuition studies, there is absolutely no mistaking the context and meaning of the words we use to make sense of our experiences.
Remember, we are governed by the Universal Laws of the Third Dimension—so even though we may be influenced by higher density consciousness, we have the unique challenge of translating Intuition into words, symbols, gestures, movement, art, and any means of co-creative activity as manifested within this earthly third-dimensional realm.
Furthermore, as translators of Intuition, we are also required to relay our understanding of intuitive language back to the Universe. Not only do we receive messages to decode, but we also must practice implementing the information that we obtain.
Think of a dialogue between two people over a pair of “walkie-talkies”—it’s imperative to confirm what one hears from the other. Intuition is like a two-way radio for a soul on Earth.
It’s not enough to simply Know, because the entirety of our mission in this lifetime is to integrate what we learn along the way—not only the programming we receive as protection from the unconscious, but the unlearning and reprogramming of what we now Know intuitively to be True.
The Difference Between Thoughts & Ideas (I.D.E.A.)
An idea is an entity that wants to be manifested into conscious awareness through the vertical, spiritual axis. A thought is the interpretation of, or the meaning assigned to that idea by a being who becomes aware of it. When an idea intersects with the perpendicular axis of the third dimensional plane, it initiates a contract with the creator being who accepts the terms of engaging with this idea in order to co-create its manifestation.
Sometimes, an idea bypasses the conscious awareness of a being and begins to take shape in the unconscious mind. Eventually, this idea becomes so obvious that it can’t not be noticed—it’s as if it’s been there all along…!
Thoughts are a product of the mind complex in which neurological pathways, programmed throughout childhood (and re-programmed via neuroplasticity as early as young adulthood), determine where the mind will go to evaluate any “new” information.
We perceive (take through) an “I.D.E.A” (intuitive divine energy aspect) with the tools and knowledge we’ve accumulated—which creates the lens through which we assign meaning to an idea as it materializes inside our conscious minds. Because our beliefs provide a specific structure for information to be processed and organized, an inflexible belief system narrows the field of perception. When we allow curiosity to be our funnel, relying less on rigid programming, we increase the chances of viewing an idea with all of its potential in tact!
⬩The Kaleidoscope Effect: You were once an idea. Since the idea of you came into conscious awareness, your “intuitive divine energy aspect” has manifested (through the act of co-creation between Source Creator and creator beings) into the Third Dimension. Because the idea of you was taken through into being, you may now be perceived by others; and you, yourself, may perceive in return.
Do you see that because you were created, you are indeed creative? You have the gift of being created, paired with the power of discernment (perception) to manifest reality (as you perceive it to be) through the act of engaging with an idea, believing in its full power (potential), its full light, and greatest possible expression.
When you believe in yourself, you are opening up your lens in order to release the greatest possible expression of You. In this case, you’ve not only reversed your funnel, you’ve removed it entirely.
When an object is created, it exists to be perceived by others who have the discernment to form an opinion. The object itself is not creative—the idea under the care of a creator being is creative because it has the alchemical makeup for creation. The object simply exists because it was created. Because an object lacks discernment, it cannot be creative.
Another important distinction is that an object cannot be influenced by its environment in the way that a person can (rather, it can be subject to the consequences of existing in a specific environment). An environment, however, can be used to inform a story about the object. In other words: an object can be both personified and objectified by a creator being who uses their discernment (and understands the difference between “subjective” and “objective”) to create language about the object that tells a story.
Again, a story is not creative—it’s created.
If a story, or an object, does anything it generates energy. Everything is energy. Regardless of density or dimension—whether it’s an idea, a person, or an object—everything is energetic, meaning it vibrates. There are high vibrations, low vibrations, and every vibration in between.
Therefore, when a person takes an idea and creates something that exists in the world, physical or not, the result of that creation is energy. All ideas are high vibrational energy. When a creator being receives an idea, they may be vibrating at any rate; however, when that creator being chooses to engage with that idea, their intention sets the frequency at which the idea will manifest.
Have you ever eaten a meal prepared by someone else, and beyond any identifiable ingredients, you just can’t “name” why the food is sooo good?
And when you ask, “What’s in this? It’s sooo good!” The answer is often, “Love!”?
That’s because the creator being who prepared the meal, took a high vibrational idea and matched its vibration by setting an intention from a heart-centered place prior to manifesting that idea into a “lovingly hand-crafted ex-perience” to be perceived by you—and we all know how that turned out!
Now, just consider how amazing everything in life has the potential to be when at every stage of creation, an idea is given the utmost care, respect, and attention required to maintain its highest possible vibration.
When an idea is not provided the appropriate opportunity to thrive in its environment, we resort to words to embellish or exaggerate the reality of that idea manifested. These embellishments can lure like a good lie, but they sting like venom when the truth sinks in.
A high vibrational creation speaks for itself without the use of words.
We try, as is our birthright, to assign words that “capture” the essence of that creation, but in doing so, we limit its true potential (not to be confused with “criteria” in which to manifest an idea into creation, which is a whole different construct for unlocking an idea’s potential through bottom-up-thinking).
In the example of an idea that is manifested under less optimal conditions, the result may still “look” or “seem" like the same idea manifested in all its potential, yet the vibrations do not match.
The result is insult of an idea.
Not only has an idea been insulted, but so too has the creator being who accepted the terms of engagement with the idea in order to co-create its potential into existence; therefore, insult is passed on vibrationally to any and every being that encounters and perceives a creation.
“SHIT…” vs “THE SHIT.”
When an idea does not manifest according to its vibrational potential, the result is “shit…”—the ellipsis indicates potential unfulfilled, whereas in the case of “the shit.” all potential during that phase of development (be it the final or the first stage) has been satisfied, thus there are no more “holes” to fill.
The Origin Of Desires
In dimensions beyond the Third, outside of the Time & Space continuum, manifestation is instantaneous. When an idea arrives in the conscious awareness of a being, out of “desire”, that being can experience the manifestation of their imagination just as quickly as the idea itself arrives. Within the Laws of the Third Dimension, beings are bound by Time & Space, therefore, we develop “skills” through practice according to the time we’re allotted and the space between the times when we are actually practicing.
The physical body has its limitations (remember what we’ve learned already about criteria for an idea to manifest?), so within the natural boundaries of the human form, we practice exercising ideas into our reality.
The “desire” to manifest something comes from your Higher Self, received by the Over Soul from Source Creator, as intuitive insight for your journey in this lifetime.
Basically, your Higher Self has sent an aspect of themself as the expression of you, a soul that activates a body on Earth, to ex-per-i-ence certain lessons in the third dimensional realm that help you to understand ex-act-ly what is holding humanity back from ascending to the fourth density consciousness.
As part of this under-standing, you recognize sit-u-ations where bottom-up thinking is required to alter the collective consciousness, thus raising conscious awareness globally. Where ruts in the collective seem universal, it’s more accurate to say that they are “wide-spread” and that’s why so many people feel so alone—it’s because of this transition between third density consciousness and fourth density consciousness.
You are a crack of peppercorn in a sea of salt. Sure, they may all be flowers, but you are the spice—the medicine! Not only can you face the sun, you can face the darkness and heal!
My personal theory on Autism, and “neurodivergence” in general, is that it’s a divinely assigned characteristic that’s intended to demonstrate the gap between lower density operation and higher density operation. In other words, when someone is “different”, they naturally stand out from sit-u-ations that are operating from lower timelines.
Instead of making someone “wrong” for doing life “differently”, it’s important to the whole of humanity to ask yourself “why” any other way exists in the first place. What is diversity act-u-ally teaching us?
SPOILER: Diversity is teaching us how to see ourselves in another. When we witness aspects of ourselves in other beings, we are gaining insight into our true wholeness and oneness with Source Consciousness.
Division creates separation, which narrows the expression of fear into needle-like daggers that threaten a being’s autonomy, which fractures their soul and insults their sovereignty. Any form of constriction agitates the vibration of an entity, which works against the natural expression of love, which is freedom.
Autism translates to “self-ism” which paradoxically equates to the greater purpose of a soul to be in service-to-others simply by being the change that must take place in this reality.
We already Know that “the purpose of life on Earth is to embody your Higher Self…[which is] embedding pure love and pure light into the framework of the third dimension so that third density beings may graduate to fourth density consciousness.
In order to embody your Higher Self more fully, thus fulfilling your purpose in this lifetime, you must learn to understand what is being communicated to you, and how these messages manifest as synchronicities, coincidences, and repeating patterns in your reality.”
Therefore, seeing yourself in another—witnessing sameness and likeness— merges our light bodies which increases our vibration, raises our frequency to a higher level of conscious awareness, and brings us closer to fulfilling our purpose—now that’s “the shit.”
The remedy for feeling alone is to embody your Higher Self, which means to ex-act your soul’s essence by being your Self as demonstrated through physical behavior, aesthetic choices, and heart-centered intentions available from The Third Dimension’s Playbook.
When you are your Self, you are infinitely plugged into that which is your life force—or Life Source. This connection is essential to You expressing the intuitive divine energy aspect of Source Creator into the material realm. As a gift, You are provided with many tangible resources and materials that help to articulate the Divine as a result of perforating the veil of forgetfulness with your Light—an aspect of the greater infinite potential/power/force.
What Intuition Fluency “Looks” Like
To be fluent in Intuition, you must be able to discern between fear and love, Ego and Higher Self, intelligence and wisdom—and understand both the function and purpose for each. When you begin to ac-knowledge (move towards knowing, gnosis) separate “sides” of a spectrum, you begin to merge them into a heart-centered place of ac-ceptance (move towards taking, receiving).
Intuition fluency “looks” like being able to hold paradox and nuance to such narrow degrees of separation, if separate at all, that a creator being is at peace and harmony with all that exists in the third dimensional realm and is therefore w i d e o p e n to receive communication from Source via the intuitive channel that delivers divine guidance to the soul that activates a body journeying through the human experience towards conscious awareness.
You may not feel like or believe that you belong here on Earth, but it’s where you’ve chosen to be right now. Remember that no-thing is as bad or as good as it seems, because no-thing is for-ever, including this moment—so enjoy this ex-per-ience. You are here to feel.
Ask yourself, “What’s it like to feel here?”
After all, the physical human experience is ripe with sensation on Earth—the planet of emotions. Learn to allow energy to move through you, and embrace the power you wield to direct energy as you weave threads of Creativity into the fabric of third density consciousness.
Make your mark, on behalf of pure light and pure love.
You were here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
♦︎ Where in the world is Intuition “spoken”?
Intuition is an energetic language that can be felt somatically through the body. To “speak” Intuition is to assign meaning through words to the energy that we sense as a result of receiving messages from Source Consciousness. Intuition is therefore utilized by second density beings and third density creator beings from beyond the third dimension, and is therefore available to all intuitive beings anywhere on Earth.
⬩ Being intuitive is like feeling at-home anywhere you go—wherever you are.
♦︎ Why is it important to be fluent in Intuition?
As a creator being, you are already intuitive. The moment you descended into a body, you were equipped with the gift of intuition so that you could bravely and confidently navigate your soul’s journey through the human experience.
Because the Third Dimension operates on free will, you are free to choose your own flavor of experience during your lifetime. On the menu are two basic flavors—the first being The Ego, and the second being The Higher Self. Each flavor offers a unique tasting experience, which informs the trajectory of choices a being has access to throughout any given situation. The important thing to remember is that a creator being always has a choice and is never locked into one specific flavor profile; however, each pathway offers specific lessons that require a certain degree of mastery (or understanding) before Source intervenes or a being learns to harness their power of discernment to indeed change the course of their own experience.
It’s important to be fluent in Intuition because at a certain point in each lifetime, a creator being becomes fatigued with the decision-making process. When your life is primarily ruled by The Ego, the underlying theme is a rejection of the Self in service of expectations from others; whereas when you primarily experience the flavor of the Higher Self, it becomes very easy to make decisions, less taxing on the physical body, and therefore a more enjoyable, fulfilling experience of life overall.
⬩ Question your life until you’ve reached the Intuitive Channel where all the answers are revealed in due time.
♦︎ What’s the purpose of Intuition?
The purpose of Intuition is to communicate the divine connection, protection, and love that tethers you to Source Creator. Living intuitively can appear lonely and even isolating, but the fact that you are heeding the signs of Intuition is proof that you are not alone.
⬩ Know that the purpose of Intuition is to lead you into alignment with the higher timeline that will help your soul to evolve the density consciousness of humanity. To align with your Higher Self means you are fulfilling the desires of Source to be embodied in the physical reality as the greatest expression of itself, as represented by You.
♦︎ How do I become more intuitive?
Just like learning any language, becoming more intuitive is a skill. Practice Intuition like you would practice any skill that you want to improve. Because Intuition is a language with many facets and qualities, spend time noticing the different ways that it presents itself in your experience.
Alternatively, examine the results and consequences of going against your “Better Judgement”—and start to play with your discernment by testing responses to the sensations and signals you receive from your external and internal environments.